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Page 19

  “Oh, oh God!” She bit her lip as she desperately tried to keep her voice down. “Oh fuck.”

  He kept his eyes locked on hers and just kept moving.

  “Oh yes.”

  “Yeah.” He grinned down at her with naked lust in his eyes. “You going to come?”

  “Fuck, I’m going to come.” She nodded and fought to keep her eyes open so she could look up at him.

  “Yeah, baby. Do you like that?”

  “Yes…oh fuck yes!”

  She’d never been one for dirty talk. She didn’t mind the odd exclamation here and there, but to have someone talking to her, asking her things or telling what they were going to do had always been a little weird for her. Until now.

  His voice, his eyes, everything about him was so hot, and she wanted him to keep talking. She wanted him to use his voice as much as his body to seduce and tease her.

  “Come for me.” He picked up his pace a little and pressed the slightest bit harder against her. “I want to feel you come around me.”

  “Oh God!” She started to sweep up toward her orgasm and kept her eyes locked on his. She wanted to see him as she hit her peak. “I’m close.”

  “Yeah, baby.”

  “Yeah.” She nodded. She was so close. “Yeah.”

  “Come on. Come for me.”

  “Oh fuck!” She bit her lips so hard she tasted blood as she crashed into her orgasm. Her entire body contracted as waves of pleasure washed over her. Clay just held still inside her as he pulled her closer, resting his forehead against hers as he gave her a moment to recover.

  “Oh God. Oh my God.” She shook her head, blinking as she tried to clear her mind.

  “Are you ready?” he asked gruffly.

  “I’m ready.” She nodded as she looked up at him. “Fuck me.”

  With a groan he pulled her against his body, using her as an anchor as he pounded himself inside her.

  Her body tightened as he groaned and grunted next to her ear. She just held on to him, enjoying every thrust and the tiny waves of pleasure they were creating.

  She felt him jerk against her, heard him cry out as he crushed her against his body. She held him as he enjoyed his orgasm, and when she felt him sag slightly in her arms she just held him tighter.

  Neither of them moved for a long time. They just held each other as they panted and tried to get their breathing back to normal.

  When he finally did pull away he just smiled down at her and gave her a soft and sweet kiss. “Are you okay?”

  “Better than okay. Although my legs are shaking.” She grinned.

  “Take a second, I got you.”

  He hugged her close, and she just breathed in the scent of him as she enjoyed the leftover tingling. She felt him go soft, but he didn’t slip out of her, and that little extra intimacy just added to the whole experience.

  When she felt more in control of herself, she pulled away, and he stepped back, groaning as he slipped out of her. She wasn’t quite ready to try standing, so she just sat on the counter and watched as he pulled off the condom and went to clean himself up. After he was finished he grabbed her panties off the floor and handed them to her.

  She slid off the counter, and they busied themselves with righting their clothes. When she looked in the mirror she knew there was no way she could hide the flush on her cheeks or the sparkle in her eyes. She just smoothed out her hair and when she felt composed enough, she nodded to him.

  They left the suites and headed back to the hall, holding hands as they walked.

  When they got back to their table a few people gave them knowing looks, but most were busy dancing and talking. They sat down, and he pulled her chair closer so they could comfortably sit without having to let go of each other’s hands.

  The rest of the night was amazing. They laughed and talked and just enjoyed each other. They had a few drinks, but neither overdid it. At nine a dessert buffet was set up, and they ate their fill of cakes, fruit, and chocolate strawberries. There was even an ice-cream sundae bar, which they both indulged in.

  They had a few more drinks, danced, and chatted with the others at the table. When the midnight buffet was rolled out, they went to check it out.

  “Your brother is the coolest guy.” Clay grinned as they looked at the tables filled with burgers, sliders, fries, pizza and other assorted bar foods and appetizers.

  “I’m pretty sure Ellie is the one who did all the planning.” She laughed. “But Dan would definitely have signed off on this.”

  They piled their plates with food and went back to the table. By the time they were done eating she was feeling very full, but also very happy. Everyone was having a great time, and they joined the crowd on the dance floor to try to work off all the food they’d eaten. The next thing she knew they were being told it was last call.

  The hall was open until three but they stopped serving alcohol at two. After the announcement was made Clay looked at her.

  “You want to stay for the last hour?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I’m about ready to leave.”

  He nodded and took her hand.

  “Wait. This way.” She nodded toward the suites as they left the hall.

  Wordlessly he followed her and waited as she opened the door. She went inside and grabbed the small bag she’d put there that afternoon, just in case things with Clay had gone well.

  “What’s that?” he asked as they headed toward the main doors.

  “Just a change of clothes. I didn’t know if I’d be going home or not…”

  “You want to go home?” He glanced at her as they walked.

  “Do you want me to go home?”

  “No, I don’t.” He shook his head.

  “Neither do I.”

  He just gripped her hand tighter and picked up his pace slightly.

  The climbed into one of the cabs waiting outside, and Clay gave the driver his address as they settled into the back seat.

  They didn’t talk on the drive over. They just sat, each thinking their own thoughts as the city passed by their windows.

  Chapter 15

  One Last Morning

  CLAY didn’t know what to think. He’d gone to the wedding expecting to eat a lot of expensive food, have some top-shelf alcohol, and catch up with Jenna. He hadn’t been expecting to have an amazing quickie in the bathroom with her, or feel all the emotions he was.

  They hadn’t talked in four years, and he could still count on one hand the amount of times they’d hung out. Every time seemed to lead to sex, and he wondered if that was all he was to her.

  That first night he’d been the aggressor. He’d started things, and he was the one who had seduced her. The morning after the second party he’d been the one to start things again. He’d kissed her and he’d pushed for more, so those first two encounters had happened because of him.

  When they’d met up a few years later, she was the one who’d initiated things. He’d still been the aggressor, but she’d let him know she was open to his advances. Now it was four years later and she’d messaged him out of nowhere, invited him to the wedding, and she’s the one who started their little tryst in the bathroom.

  He was glad she was more confident and sure of herself. He really enjoyed how she was able to let go with him, and especially how she was now able to tell him what she wanted and to show him how much she wanted him.

  He loved being with her. The sex was amazing. Every time they were together it rocked his world. She was hands down the best lover he’d ever had. He’d been with older, more experienced women, women who were much more aggressive, and even a few kinky ladies. All of them had been great in their own way, but none of them had made him feel connected to them as she did. His body and his mind had always stayed separate from his feelings, until her.

  Even after all these years he still felt a connection. When he looked in her eyes, when she smiled and laughed, it made him happy. When he touched
her or she touched him his body reacted, and not just sexually. When he was with her, their bodies connected, and he felt as though their feelings and minds were connected as well.

  It was different for him, and it was confusing.

  He was feeling all of these things for her, but she didn’t seem to be on the same page. For the first two years of this crazy back and forth he’d been the aggressor, the one who’d initiated things and the one who’d seduced her. Now, four years later, she’d been the one to initiate things with him and seduce him with her advances.

  Was that all he was to her? Was he just the hometown hookup she could meet up with when she was slumming it back home? Was he just the chump she called when she was horny and didn’t have another option?

  His feelings were scaring him. He was feeling vulnerable, and he felt as though she was using him.

  No, that wasn’t true. He didn’t feel that she was using him. He felt they were in different places, and he was the one who was messing things up.

  She hadn’t been honest with him the last time. She’d hidden the fact that she was moving away and they were only having a fling, but this time she’d been completely honest. She was back for the long weekend, she needed a date to her brother’s wedding, and she’d pretty much guaranteed him sex if he wanted it.

  He was the one who was letting his feelings get in the way. She was going back to her city life with her fancy friends and her great job. She was going to meet some rich metrosexual who spent far too much time on his hair and owned way too many dress shirts. He was going back to work at the garage and spend his days joking with the guys and working in grease.

  She had her education and her awesome family. Her parents loved her, her brother seemed to be a great guy, and her new sister-in-law was loaded. She had everything.

  He hadn’t seen his mom in almost two years. She was so busy raising her new kids, she didn’t have time for him now that he was an adult. His Nan was hanging on, but she wasn’t getting any better. Every time the center called him he worried it was to tell him she’d passed.

  He hadn’t had a serious relationship in a long time. He’d had some long-term ones, but he’d never felt that gut instinct telling him he was with the right person. He’d always felt as though he was settling because he was lonely, and he was sure they’d been settling for him as they waited for something better to come along.

  He was a loser. He had friends, but they tended to fall into two categories. He had the guys who were family men. The ones who were married, had kids, had their own families. Then he had the single guys. They went out trolling for women every weekend, drank way too much, and were so busy living the bachelor life they didn’t really care about anything else.

  He didn’t have a really close friend. When he was struggling, he had to keep it inside because he had no one to lean on. He was constantly putting himself out there, and he was constantly getting hurt.

  Jenna hadn’t lied to him. She’d told him this was a weekend thing, but he wanted more. He wanted more than just a night and a lay. He wanted to actually spend time with her, get to know her on a deeper level and have her know him.

  But that wasn’t going to happen. She was going to go back to her awesome life, and he would be stuck here, again.

  He glanced at her as the cab pulled up to his building. None of what he was feeling was her fault. She had no idea what was going on in his head, and she hadn’t lied to him. This was his issue, not hers.

  It was at that moment he decided to push all of those thoughts aside and just enjoy his time with her. If they only had this one last morning, then he was going to do everything he could to make it as memorable for her as for himself.

  He was done with the flip-flopping. They might have had something, but their lives were too different. She had her own thing going on in the city, and he needed to get his own thing happening here.

  After tonight that was it. He would stay friendly with her. There was no reason to cut her out of his life or be mean to her, but he wouldn’t see her anymore. If she reached out, he would make up an excuse. He couldn’t sit around waiting for her to decide she wanted to slum it back home. She wasn’t looking for what he needed, so he had to rip off the bandage and step back.

  This was it. This was their last morning together.

  He paid the cab fare before she could move to pull out her wallet. After everything she’d done for him, he could definitely spring for the cab. When he’d paid he got out of the car and waited as she stepped out the other side. She walked around the back of the cab, and he held out his hand to her.

  She took it with a smile as the cab drove away, and he started to lead her into his building.

  They didn’t talk as they headed up to his apartment. As she waited for him to open the door he took a moment to compose himself. He didn’t want to ruin their last morning because he was having trouble sorting his feelings. He wanted to be present, and he wanted to get the most out of this as he could before he said goodbye to her for good.

  When they went into his apartment he brought her straight into his room. They both knew why she was there. It would be pointless to pretend it was anything other than what it was.

  She put her bag near the door as he closed it behind them. When he turned to her he felt his breath catch.

  She was beautiful. She’d always been pretty, but she’d never really taken the time or had the confidence to just own her looks. Her eyes were such a beautiful and clear blue. Her hair was so soft and thick, and it felt wonderful under his hands. He loved how her skin was creamy and smooth, and she never seemed to tan. She always had a porcelain look to her, and it contrasted so well with her dark hair and light eyes.

  Her body was glorious. He preferred curves on a woman. He loved to see a defined waist and rounded hips, and he was a sucker for long legs. Jenna had it all, and the best part about her was how she didn’t seem to realize how gorgeous she was. As far as he knew she didn’t use her looks to toy with people or to try and manipulate them.

  She was genuine and every reaction and every word seemed to come from an honest place. She was an incredible woman, but they just weren’t right together. She needed more than he could ever be. She deserved better than to settle for him.

  When he’d first brought her into his room, his plan had been to have a crazy and rough session. To push her boundaries and to see how far she would let him go as he gave her as much pleasure as possible. That had been his plan, but now that he was looking at her he realized he didn’t want to fuck her, he wanted to be with her. It was probably the stupidest thing he could do, but he wanted to have one last connection with her before they said goodbye.

  “Clay?” she asked as she looked up at him. He could see lust and passion in her gaze, but there was something else there. He couldn’t be sure, but he thought it might be self-doubt.

  He just shook his head as he smiled down at her, stepping closer to her so he was only about an inch from her body.

  He didn’t want to rip her clothes off and toss her on the bed. He wanted to undress her and memorize every part of her as he did.

  Still keeping his eyes on her he stripped off his jacket and tossed it on his dresser. He was thankful the voucher had included the cost of cleaning and pressing the suit. It took him a moment to pull off his tie, and then he started to work on the buttons of the shirt. He watched her eyes as she looked at him. Her gaze was hungry as she raked her gaze up and down his body. When she looked back into his eyes he saw something soft in there too.

  When his shirt was off, he tossed it with the jacket and tie and kicked off his shoes. It took a moment and a little balance work on his part, but he pulled off his socks and then stripped off his pants. He stood in front of her in only his boxer briefs, waiting to see what she would do.

  She stepped forward and put her soft hands on his chest, lightly running them over his skin as she moved up to his shoulders and down his arms. He shuddered under her touch as s
he left a trail of fire on his skin. He lifted his hands and gently cupped her cheeks as he bent his lips to hers. He kissed her slowly, letting his tongue run over her bottom lip before sweeping it into her mouth to tease and taste her.

  He heard her moan against his lips and stepped closer to her so their bodies were pressed together. He kissed her as deeply as he could, groaning softly when she matched him kiss for kiss. She lightly scratched her nails up and down his back, and he instantly went rock hard.

  “Jenna,” he groaned against her lips.

  “Oh, Clay.” She blinked as she pulled back to look up at him.

  He smiled at her and gently gripped her shoulders, spinning her around so he could find the zipper on her dress. He pulled it down and then unclipped the eye hook at the top of the zipper. He held on to the material as it fell down her body and put his hand up for her to grip as she stepped out of the dress. He carefully draped it over his suit and turned back to her.

  She’d turned to face him, but he wasn’t ready for the seduction to end.

  He moved to stand behind her and pulled off her strapless bra, exposing her beautiful breasts to his touch and his gaze. He hooked his thumbs in the sides of her panties and pushed them down so they puddled at her feet. Gripping her waist he held her steady so she could step out of them, and he grinned slightly when she kicked off her shoes.

  Instead of turning her around he let his arms slide around her body, pulling her up against him as he pressed his lips into the crook of her neck. He kissed the sensitive skin and ran his hands up and down her body. He moved one hand to cup her breast as he slipped the other down between her legs.

  She was already so wet, and she cried out as he slid his fingers over her. He remembered the last time, how sensitive her nipples had been, and brushed his thumb over the distended bud as he started to circle his fingers over her.

  “Oh God…oh God!” she cried out, her legs giving out slightly as she fell a little more heavily into his arms.

  “Let go, I’ve got you,” he whispered in her ear. He wanted her to experience everything, and he was more than happy to support her as she gave into what she was feeling.