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Page 14

  His lips were on hers as he propped himself up with one hand and reached down with the other. She spread her legs, lifting them so she could hook them around his waist as he placed himself right at her opening.

  He pushed into her fast and hard. She was so ready for him he slid inside her with almost no resistance.

  “Oh!” she gasped against his kiss when he started to move.

  His thrusts were hard and fast. They were hard enough they should have hurt her, but they felt wonderful. She pulled him tighter against her as she unconsciously tilted her hips so he could slide even deeper inside her.

  “Oh fuck!”

  He jerked against her as he cried out against her lips. She just pulled him closer, using her legs and her arms to bring him as close to her body as she could. She wanted that closeness with him. She wanted to enjoy him as he enjoyed her.

  After a moment he just collapsed on her, his body growing heavy as he panted and groaned.

  She blinked her eyes open and smiled against his neck, holding him close so he wouldn’t move off her. She needed to feel him right then.

  He seemed to understand, and he held himself over her, even as she felt him grow limp inside her.

  “Jenna?” he asked as he lifted his head and looked down at her.

  She just smiled up at him, brushing his hair back from his face so she could look into his eyes.

  “Wow.” She grinned and pulled him down for a kiss. “That was amazing.”

  He grinned and rolled off her, pulling her against his body as he flopped down on his back. She cuddled right up against him and smiled into his chest when she felt his strong arm around her, pulling her closer.

  He didn’t say anything for a long time, and she was happy with the silence. That had been incredible. She’d never felt even a fraction of that pleasure before, and she’d never felt as close to someone after as she did with him.

  She didn’t know if it was the incredibly intimate foreplay, but she felt a connection with him she’d never felt before.

  “Is there a bathroom?” he asked after a very long pause.

  “Down the hall. The door is open.” She looked up at him.

  “I’ll be right back.” He kissed her and started to slide out of bed.

  She flopped over on her stomach as she watched him walk out of the room. He didn’t seem at all ashamed of his nudity, and she loved how confident he was.

  That had been great. The best sex she’d ever had. She didn’t know what it was about him, but they were so compatible. Their first time had been great. There’d been pain and he’d been fast, but the passion had been there. Their second time had been amazing. He’d been so gentle and tender with her, and it had felt so good. This time had been incredible. He’d been exactly what she’d wanted, and he’d given her such an earth-shattering orgasm her body was still tingling from it.

  She was just rolling over to look for her clothes when he came back to the room.

  “Clay?” she asked as he climbed back into bed with her.

  “I hope you don’t think I’m done with you.” He grinned as he slid closer to her and pulled her up against his body.

  She felt him pressing up against her hip and gasped as he reached down and grabbed her by the thighs, pulling her up so she was straddling his body.

  “I only had one condom. Do you have anything?” he asked, running his hands down her sides as he looked up at her.

  “Yeah, just a second.” She reached over and pulled the drawer to her bedside table open. It took her a moment of rummaging, but she found one of the condoms she’d tossed in there when she’d first moved back. “Here.” She handed it to him.

  He took it from her and pushed her so she was sitting back on him. She watched as he ripped it open and rolled it on. When it was on, he reached up and cupped her breasts in his hands, rubbing his thumbs against her distended nipples as he did.

  She sighed and let her head fall back as she gave herself over to the sensations. She’d always had extremely sensitive nipples. More than once she’d almost had an orgasm just from having them stimulated. Her body tightened as pleasure rushed through her.

  “Does that feel good?” he asked huskily as he looked up at her, still teasing her with his thumbs.

  “Yes!” she gasped.

  He pulled her down so she was lying over him, then shifted up her so her breasts were lined up with his mouth.

  “Oh yes!” she cried out as he closed his mouth over one of her nipples, and he began to tease it with his lips and tongue. She could feel the waves starting, and she pressed her body down on his, begging him for more.

  He grunted against her as his hand reached between them. They had enough of a height difference he couldn’t slide inside her at that moment. Instead he slipped two fingers deep in her.

  “Oh God…oh yes!” she cried out, cradling his head against her as he started to move his fingers. “Oh fuck!”

  She was so close. Her orgasm was right there, but she couldn’t quite reach it.

  “Harder. Use your teeth,” she begged and then screamed when he complied. “Oh God oh God oh God!”

  Her orgasm hit her hard and fast, and her entire body flushed as the pleasure radiated through her. She wiggled over him, gasping and crying out as he kept his lips locked around her nipple and his fingers deep inside her.

  “Oh…oh fuck.” She almost sagged down on him as the pleasure started to fade, and her entire body started to tingle deliciously.

  “Fuck, you’re so hot.” He looked up at her as he pulled his mouth away from her breast. “Do you still want me to fuck you? Or do you need me to be gentle?”

  “Fuck me. Don’t be gentle.” She shook her head.

  With a grunt he shoved her off him so she landed on the bed beside him. She barely had time to gasp when he sat up and swung his body over so he was behind her. He gripped her hips in his hands and pulled her up to meet him.

  She just planted her hands on the bed and scooted up so she was on her hands and knees. She wasn’t so sure about this position. She’d done it before, but it hadn’t felt very good. She hoped he would only want to do it for a minute before switching to something different.

  He pressed against her opening, and when he shoved himself inside her, she almost screamed in pleasure. She didn’t know what was different this time, but as he began pounding himself inside her, she shuddered as she was hit with wave after wave of pleasure. The angle he was hitting her at, the force of his thrusts, and the way he was grunting and groaning, telling her how much he was enjoying her, was incredible. She just gripped the covers in her hands and gave herself over to the feelings.

  She cried out to him, moving with him as he pulled her against him over and over again. She’d had no idea doggy-style could feel so good, and she didn’t want him to stop.

  “Oh fuck,” he groaned as she started to move back a little faster, forcing him to fuck her harder. “Fuck, Jenna.”

  “Oh God, Clay!” she cried out.

  “Fuck, you feel so good.”

  “Yes, oh yes!”

  “Come on, baby, come on!”

  She didn’t know if he was encouraging her to move harder, or to come. She’d never had an orgasm from penetration, and while it felt incredible, she didn’t think she would have one right then. She wasn’t about to fake it, but she didn’t want him to feel badly for not getting her to finish.

  “Fuck me!” she cried out. “Fuck me, Clay.”


  “Yes, that’s it,” she encouraged. His pace was harder and a little more erratic. She could feel his hands shaking as he gripped her. He was close. “Fuck me, fuck yes!”

  “Oh fuck!” he slammed against her one final time, pulling her as close to him as possible as she felt him pulse inside her. His entire body was shaking, and when he started to fall forward she just let herself fall under him. She wanted to feel his body against hers, and she didn’t care how heavy
he was.

  “Oh God,” he sighed against her neck as his arms moved to hold her.

  “Hmmmm.” She pressed her face into the comforter as she moaned. She could feel him inside her, and her body was still flushed and tingling.

  After a long moment he rolled off her and lay beside her, pulling her up against his body again. She could hear his heart thundering in his chest and smiled. Her heart was pounding too.

  “Clay?” she asked when she felt him take in a deep breath and then heard him yawn.

  “Sorry, that took a lot out of me.” He grinned down at her.

  “Do you want to stay tonight?” she asked impulsively. She didn’t want him to leave. She wanted to spend the night in his arms, even if it was only one night.

  “With you?”

  She nodded.

  “Yeah. I would.” He grinned and gave her a soft kiss. “I just need to use the bathroom again.”

  She grinned and nodded as he slid out of bed. When he left the room this time she busied herself with moving to the center of the bed and pulling the covers up. She was starting to get cold now that he wasn’t there against her.

  When he came back into the room he grinned, taking a moment to look at her before he climbed back into bed.

  He put out his arm, and she cuddled up to him. It took a moment to find a position that was comfortable, but when they found it she just sighed against him.

  “Goodnight, Jenna.”

  “Goodnight, Clay.”

  There were a hundred things she should say to him, but nothing she wanted to say. Right now she just wanted to enjoy being in the strong circle of his arms, feeling his body against hers. She wanted to sleep with him and have a closeness that only came with sharing a bed with someone.

  She felt her eyes fluttering closed and smiled as she started to drift off to sleep. The day had started out great, gotten really shitty really fast, and had ended wonderfully. Right now everything was perfect, and she wanted to bask in tonight and deal with reality in the morning.

  Chapter 12

  Bad Timing

  THE first thing Jenna noticed when she woke up was how warm and comfortable she was. The second was the warm body behind her and Clay’s arm still holding her tight against him.

  She grinned and snuggled closer to him as the events from last night came back to her. That had been the best sex she’d ever had, and waking up in his arms was wonderful. For the first time in four years she felt they were in a good place. They’d had fun while they’d been out, all of the animosity and anger from that first night at the party seemed to be gone, and they’d had amazing sex.

  He was the first guy she’d ever been able to truly let go with, and that had been incredibly freeing. She’d always held back a little when it came to sex. Every time she’d been with someone, she’d never truly been able to let go and just give in to everything without worrying about how she was reacting, what they might be thinking of her, and how they saw her. Even with Kyle she’d never really gotten that into it. She’d enjoyed him, but she’d never been able to tell him what she wanted and most of the time she’d been distracted while they were actually having sex.

  It was also the first time she’d ever been really and truly satisfied. Her one-night stand had been extremely disappointing, and she’d barely felt anything before it had been over. Her cheating short-term boyfriend hadn’t really put much effort into making sex pleasurable for her. Everything had always been about him, and everything he’d done for her had felt almost as though it was lip service to get her to do something for him.

  Clay had been different. He’d been exactly what she’d wanted him to be. He’d listened to her, and he’d made sure she’d had her pleasure before he’d taken his. She wasn’t used to that, and it was wonderful.

  He really was a great guy. It was almost too bad it had to be such a short fling.

  She was leaving in less than a week, and she had a million things she had to get in order before she could even think of starting anything with anyone. She was moving to a new place, starting a new job, and she had a ton of debt to pay off. Eventually she would need better employment and hopefully a better place to live. She definitely needed some breathing space after spending so long living with her parents.

  She wanted a relationship. She wanted to fall in love and have someone to count on and someone who supported her as she was there to support them. She wanted all of that, but not now. She wasn’t ready. She was only twenty-two. She had her whole life ahead of her, and it was too soon to be planning for forever.

  It wasn’t as though Clay was thinking about any of this. He hadn’t promised her anything, and she hadn’t asked for anything in return. They’d gone out, caught up, and had a great night. Just because her mind was going into hyper-drive didn’t mean he’d even thought about what would happen when they woke up.

  She sighed as he rolled over, pulling her even closer to his body as he moaned softly in his sleep. She felt him start to press into her back and grinned. Just because the night was over didn’t mean the fun had to be over too.

  She wiggled against him and pressed her body against his, smiling as he moaned again and started to stir.

  “Keep that up and you’ll have me up,” he said softly in her ear, his breath tickling the sensitive skin.

  She wiggled against him again. “It feels like you’re already there.”

  He groaned against her neck, his lips pressing against her skin as he started to kiss her.

  She sighed and shifted her body so she was facing him. He was still half asleep. His eyes were a little glazed and his hair was rumpled. He looked incredible, and as his eyes started to clear there was heat and passion there.

  She slid her hands up his back as his lips almost crushed hers in a hard and wet kiss, and she just went with it. As she kissed him back, she moved one hand between them and gripped his hard length. She wanted to touch him and feel like a participant this time. She still wanted the passion and the heat, she just didn’t want it to be one-sided.

  “Fuck, Jenna,” he groaned as she started to stroke him.

  She pushed him over so he was lying on his back and scooted up against him. She trailed her lips and tongue over his chest as she continued to stroke him, testing out different methods to see which he responded to best.

  He seemed to like it when she used a slightly firm and slow grip, and he seemed to enjoy it a bit more when she tightened her hand around him and moved a little faster.

  “Oh God!” he groaned, arching into her hand when she began to twist slightly as she came to the head. “Like that,” he encouraged and she grinned against his skin as she continued. It looked as though she’d found what he liked.

  He moved one of his hands up her back and fisted the hair at the base of her neck. He wasn’t pulling or even holding her in place, it was almost as though he needed another outlet to release the pleasure he was feeling.

  She lifted her head and looked at him. His eyes were closed, his mouth was slightly open, and he was panting and groaning. He was really enjoying her, and she loved watching him. Seeing the pleasure on his face and watching his reactions was a little heady. It made her feel sexy and desirable, and it sent a shiver through her body and a pulse of pleasure between her legs.

  “Fuck, you’re going to make me come.” He put his hand on hers, stopping her.

  She grinned coquettishly at him, then squealed when he rolled over, pinning her body beneath his as he looked down at her.

  “Oh!” she gasped as his hand moved down her body and dipped between her legs.

  “Hmmm, you’re wet.” He grinned wickedly at her as he traced his finger over her a few times. He was barely touching her and her body tightened at the teasing.

  She didn’t know what to say. Instead she just gasped and moved her hips, urging him to touch her with a bit more force.

  “Does this feel good?” he asked as he pushed his fingers against her and started to tra
ce maddeningly slow circles over her.

  “Yes!” She gripped his strong arm in one hand as she grabbed at the sheets with the other. “More, please more,” she begged when he slowed his pace.

  “Like this?” he teased as he sped up slightly and then pulled his hand away from her.

  “Fuck, don’t stop,” she begged, looking up at him.

  He wasn’t teasing her to be cruel. She could see tenderness on his face, mixed with the heat and desire. That look sent another shiver through her.

  “Oh yes,” she sighed when he put his fingers back against her and began teasing her.

  He shifted so he was pinning half her body down. She spread one leg slightly, giving him better access.

  “I want you,” she gasped as she looked up at him. “I want you inside me.”

  He shook his head. “I want to watch you first.”

  Her eyes fluttered closed as she gave in to everything. An ache was building deep inside her abdomen, her muscles were beginning to tighten and pleasure was spiraling out into her body with every flick of his fingers.

  “Oh yes, fuck. Fuck!” She was so close. She was right there on the cusp of orgasm and the pleasure was so intense it almost hurt. “Fuck!”

  Her orgasm hit her hard. It washed over her and her entire body convulsed as it nearly overwhelmed her. When the waves finally passed she blinked up at him, smiling when she saw the look he was giving her.

  “Tell me you have another condom.”

  “In the drawer.” She didn’t think she had enough muscle control to get it herself so she just lay beneath him as he moved over her to reach into the drawer.

  She watched as he ripped it open and rolled it on. When he settled between her legs she just lifted them and circled his waist as she put her hands on his strong arms.

  He looked at her as he slipped inside her, and that eye contact was extremely intimate. It should have been a little awkward, staring at each other as he started to fuck her, but it wasn’t. He was moving slowly, grinding against her slightly with every thrust. There was passion and urgency in his gaze, but there was also tenderness and she felt connected to him.