Healing Him (The Den Boys Book 2) Read online

Page 9

  It was all a little surreal, but tonight had proven that we were compatible as friends, and there was undeniable chemistry between all three of us.

  Isaac had been... incredible.

  I’d had my share of partners in my life, probably more than my share if I was going to be honest, but no one had ever responded to me the way Isaac did.

  Every touch, taste, and tease from him had sent jolts of pleasure zinging through my body, and the way he fully gave over to the moment had been intoxicating. I’d actually been glad when he’d gotten too close so fast again, it had given me a chance to pump the brakes and get my head back as I pleasured him, because I’d been about thirty seconds away from my own orgasm.

  Making love to Isaac, knowing I was the first man he’d ever let into his body, was heady and intimate, and it meant a lot that he’d chosen me.

  I’d had enough presence of mind to look up at Cody periodically to make sure he was okay, and each time I’d found him staring at us with naked lust in his eyes as he palmed his cock through his pants. I hadn’t known what he’d do, if he’d jerk off while we were in the same room or excuse himself, but the fact that he’d laid down with us and let us touch and watch him as he took his pleasure had only added to the intimacy of the situation.

  Isaac and I might have only kissed and briefly touched Cody over his clothes, but I truly felt that I’d made love to both men.

  I had no idea if this was going to work, or how we were going to figure things out, but I was willing to do whatever I had to in order to make my men happy.

  * * * * *


  I glanced up from the file I was working on to find Vaughn, one of the kids who was living in the shelter full time standing at the door to my office.

  “Yes, Vaughn?” I motioned for him to come in.

  I waited as he closed the door behind him, and moved to sit on the chair across from my desk. When Vaughn didn’t speak right away, I sat back and rested my hands on my desk so he’d see I wasn’t threatening in any way and hopefully relax enough to tell me what was going on.

  I didn’t know too much about Vaughn, only that he was sixteen and had been rescued from an abusive home three years ago. After that he’d been placed in foster care, and one of the older kids in his first house had physically and sexually abused him for almost a year before being moved. He’d run away from another abusive home when he was fifteen, and spent almost four months on the street before finding his way to the shelter.

  He was a nice kid, quiet and reserved, but he had such a pure and open heart and always went out of his way to make sure those around him were doing okay. Even after all the hatred and abuse he’d faced he’d still wanted to help people.

  Right now he looked troubled.

  “What is it, Vaughn?” I asked gently.

  “Something happened at school today.” He looked down at his hands, his voice barely above a whisper.

  “What happened?”

  “I saw JJ talking to someone while we waited for the bus.”

  “Who was it?”


  I bit back a curse and tried to keep my face neutral.

  JJ was the youngest kid at the shelter. He was only twelve and had been brutally beaten by his father six months ago when he’d caught JJ on an online forum for kids questioning their sexuality. He’d run away from three foster homes in three months and had moved into Open Arms full time five weeks ago. We were hoping to help him learn to trust authority figures again and then get him situated in a good home.

  Dante was a local pimp who specialized in underage boys.

  More than one of his ‘charges’ had found their way to us to escape. Years ago we’d set up a system with another shelter in California where we could move kids between us who’d escaped pimps, to get them into a safe environment and give them a fresh start. I’d personally seen to three such moves in the short time I’d been at the shelter, and the thought of JJ getting mixed up with Dante was enough to make my blood run cold.

  “I tried to talk to him, to tell him what Dante is, but he wouldn’t listen.” Vaughn bit his lip nervously.

  “Thank you for telling me, Vaughn.”

  “You’re not going to tell him I did, right?”

  “No, your name won’t come up. I promise.”

  “Thanks.” He looked up at me and I was struck by just how old his eyes seemed. It was the same with most of the kids I saw. The things they’d been forced to endure had aged them beyond their years and given them old souls. Cody’s eyes were like that, and they only looked young and carefree when he laughed.

  “Is there something you wanted to talk about?” I asked when Vaughn didn’t get up right away.

  “Um, I was kind of wondering about something.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I kinda... I mean...”


  “I met someone.”

  Romantic relationships between kids living at the shelter were discouraged because it was a recipe for disaster if and when the relationships ended, but the kids were free to date as long as they followed curfew.

  “Oh? Where?”

  “At school.” He blushed. “He just transferred.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “I like him, and he likes me. I’ve gone to his house and his parents are so cool and accept him. They’re members of PFLAG, for fu—”

  “Language,” I cautioned.

  “Sorry. I mean they’re really cool with him being gay. They invited me to go with them for a weekend trip to visit his grandma next month.”

  Vaughn was sixteen so he was allowed supervised overnights, but only after one of us checked out the situation and got all the necessary information.

  “And you want me to talk to his parents for you?”

  “His parents asked to talk to mine, and I...”

  “You haven’t told them you live here?” I supplied gently.

  “Or him.” He shook his head, looking down at his hands.

  I understood his embarrassment and hesitation. Vaughn had spent years being abused by his homophobic father and stepmother, until a new teacher at his school had finally reported the abuse and he’d been pulled from the home, only to be abused again. Now he lived in a shelter. It was normal for him to be embarrassed about his living situation, especially if his boyfriend had everything he’d been denied.

  “I think you should tell your boyfriend,” I said softly. “He should hear it from you, but I can talk to his parents.”

  “What if they don’t let us be together?” His voice cracked as he looked at me, his fear written all over his face.

  “I’ll explain things to them, with no details,” I added quickly. “If they can’t accept it then we’ll try to work with them, help them see how this place is your surrogate home.”

  “Thanks, Jonah.” He rubbed his hand through his short hair. “I’m just scared.”

  “I know. I get it. What’s your boyfriend’s name?”

  “Elijah Masterson.”

  “How about you tell me when you’ve spoken to him, and then I’ll get in touch with his parents. Elijah needs to hear the truth from you. If you don’t come clean it could break his trust in you.”

  “I know. Thanks.”

  “Of course. I’m happy to help.”

  “I’m supposed to meet with him in an hour. Can you call his parents after I text you and say it’s done?”


  We gave all of the kids phones with basic data and minute packages to help them feel connected, and fit in with the kids they went to school with. It was also a way to make sure they always had a way to call for help. We monitored the phones and did random checks to make sure they weren’t sharing things they shouldn’t, or using them for anything they weren’t supposed to.

  We’d only caught one kid breaking the rules after he’d sent a nude photo of himself to someone off the internet for money. The phone had been taken away and
the kid had spent three months working with one of the therapists to help with his anxiety and break him of his need to hoard money.

  I watched as Vaughn smiled at me, a real and true smile that reached his eyes, and hurried out of my office. I was already ten minutes past my shift hours, but I’d wait until Vaughn texted so I could smooth things out with Elijah’s parents. The kid had dealt with enough in his life, and if spending a few extra hours at work would help him out in any way, then going home wasn’t an option.

  * * * * *

  I ended up waiting almost three hours before Vaughn texted me to say it was done and to give me Elijah’s parent’s number.

  This wasn’t the first time I’d had this conversation with parents, and I wished I could say it never mattered and no one ever cared where the kids lived.

  There was a stigma around being homeless, and it was even harder on youths because they were trying to navigate fitting in and being part of society in general with other kids who had homes.

  I was hoping Elijah’s family would be accepting, but I wasn’t banking on it.

  I dialed the number he gave me and the call was picked up on the third ring.

  “Hello?” a male voice answered.

  “Hello? Mr. Masterson?”

  “Yes, who’s calling?”

  “My name is Jonah, I’m calling about the trip your family has invited Vaughn on—”

  “Of course, hi. Let me get my wife. She’s the one planning this whole thing— Beth! Vaughn’s dad is on the phone.”

  A few moments later a woman picked up the line.

  “Hi, this is Beth Masterson. You’re Vaughn’s dad?”

  “Not exactly, that’s actually the reason I called.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “My name is Jonah Green, and I work at Open Arms—”

  “I’m sorry, I thought this was about Vaughn?”

  “Vaughn lives here, at Open Arms.”

  “What exactly is Open Arms?” Beth asked after a pause.

  “It’s a youth LGBTQA shelter.”

  “And he lives there?”

  “Yes. I’m one of the counselors on staff.”

  “Wait. Vaughn is homeless?”

  “Yes, he is.”

  “What happened?”

  “He was freed from an abusive home only to run into some issues in foster care.” I didn’t want to say too much since it wasn’t my story to tell, but they needed to know that the situation was serious. “He lives here full time while going to school.”

  “Oh my god,” Beth breathed on the other end of the phone. “That poor, sweet boy.”

  “He’s a wonderful kid. Do you have any questions for me about anything? If you’re questioning having Vaughn be a part of your son’s life—”

  “Don’t be foolish. We love Vaughn and he makes Eli happy. Can he come on the trip with us?”

  “He can.” I smiled so wide my cheeks ached. “I just need some information and he’s all set to go.”

  It didn’t take long to get what I needed, and as soon as I hung up the phone I sent Vaughn a quick text telling him that it was done and he was clear to go on the trip.

  Moments like this were what made my job so rewarding. Being able to help a kid like Vaughn find stability and get a taste of family life, and acceptance, after knowing nothing but hatred and violence was an amazing feeling and I truly felt I was making a difference.

  They were teenagers so I wasn’t counting on the relationship to last forever, but for as long as it did, Vaughn would be able to be a part of a loving family, and hopefully that experience would help him in the future.

  * * * * *

  By the time I got back to my house my day had been fifteen hours long and I was tired. Isaac had sent me a text telling me he was starting work again on Monday, and Cody had texted to ask how my day was going.

  A part of me had wanted to invite them over again, but I had one more twelve hour shift to tackle tomorrow before I got a bit of a break.

  With our schedules being so different I was a bit worried about finding time together. I worked mostly day shifts, but did have some later and earlier shifts mixed in. Cody worked nights for the most part, and Isaac worked early mornings to mid-afternoons. Cody and I worked weekdays and weekends, while Isaac usually only worked Monday-Friday.

  Syncing schedules between two people was hard enough, but doing it with three was going to be a bitch.

  A part of me wondered if Cody and Isaac were enjoying some time alone together, or if they’d want to.

  Surprisingly there was no jealousy when I thought about them messing around without me. It turned me on. Just picturing them wrapped around each other’s bodies, teasing and tasting, made my dick hard and my pulse race. Truth be told, it’s something I’d love to see.

  As I made my way to my kitchen to grab something to eat, my phone beeped, and I grinned when I saw Isaac’s name on the text notification.

  Are you free Saturday?

  I am. What are you thinking?”

  You, me, Cody, lunch... and dessert.

  I like the way you think. When and where?

  Cody’s place at noon? It’s close to his job. He has to work at 4:30.

  Sounds good. Address?

  18B Sagamore Ave.

  How was your day?

  Pretty good. I slept in, played Call of Duty with my brother for most of the day and had pizza for dinner. You?

  Worked 15 hours. Came home. Yeah... my day wasn’t as awesome.

  So I’m guessing you’re tired...

  A little. Why?

  Nothing... just thought you might want to try something... but if you’re tired then you should go to bed, alone.

  I bit back a smile as I read his message.

  I might be up for it.

  Might be? Way to make a guy feel wanted.

  Fine, I’m up for it. Literally and figuratively.

  I didn’t get an answer, instead my phone rang.

  “Hello, stranger.” I grinned as I answered Isaac’s call.

  “Hey yourself.”

  “So, what’s this mysterious idea of yours?”

  “Up for a little conference call?”

  “And will we be discussing current events?” I asked, my voice unconsciously dropping to a husky tone.

  “I was thinking more that we could talk about or dicks and what we’re doing with them.”

  My body tightened and my cock pressed painfully against my zipper. “Cody’s okay with that?”

  “I asked him earlier. He said the idea turned him on.”

  “Then how about you bring him on the line and I’ll go get comfortable on my bed.”

  “Good plan.”

  The line went silent for a moment and I hurried into my room.

  Phone sex wasn’t anything new to me, but this should be interesting.

  I was just settling on my bed when Isaac came back on the line.


  “I’m here. Cody?”

  “I’m here too.”

  There was a pause when no one said anything, and I realized that I’d have to step in and take charge. I had no problem with that. I preferred my men on the more docile and submissive side, and nothing got me hotter than my partner letting me have control.

  “Isaac, tell us about your biggest fantasy,” I instructed, keeping my voice low.

  “Um, well it’s kind of changed.”

  “What was it before?”

  “I always wanted to bottom for a hot, dominant man who took care of me.”

  My breath hitched when I realized what he was saying.

  “That came true, so my new one is a bit different.”

  “What’s the new one?” Cody asked in a breathy voice.

  “I want to be inside you, Cody, while Jonah fucks me. To feel both of you, have all three of us connected.” His voice shook slightly as the timbre dropped.

  “Do you think about that when you touch yourself?” I asked huskily.

yeah. The last time was in the shower this morning.”

  “Did you come?”

  “So hard. I almost fell and had to grab onto the wall.”

  I could hear Cody’s breathing pick up and tried to ignore my aching cock and focus on guiding the conversation.

  “What about you, Cody? What’s your biggest fantasy?”


  “You can tell us.”

  “To have both of you go down on me,” he said so quickly his words blurred together a bit.

  “That’s hot,” Isaac said with a groan.

  “I would love to do that for you.” I grinned when Cody gasped, then moaned.

  “What about you?” Cody asked in a strained voice.

  “Mine is to watch the two of you. To see your beautiful bodies as you feast on each other.”


  I couldn’t tell who said it, but by the silence I was assuming they were at least thinking about it.

  “Tell me what you’re doing now, Isaac,” I instructed.

  “I’m jerking off, thinking about everything we just talked about.” His voice hitched and his breathing became erratic.

  “Cody? What are you thinking about?”

  “The same thing. All of it.”

  I smiled as his voice broke, and his breathing sped up and became heavy.

  “Are you touching yourself too?”


  “So am I. I’m gripping my cock, and fuck I’m leaking so much I don’t even need lube.”

  “Fuck, babe!” Isaac cried out.

  My hand was dragging up and down my shaft at a nearly frantic pace as I listened to my men. Not being able to see what they were doing was adding to the entire experience because I could hear them and imagine them together, jerking each other off as they kissed passionately.

  “I’m getting close,” I said with a strangled cry. Picturing them lying together on my bed, their hands wrapped around each other’s cocks as they frantically jerked each other off, desperate to come and end the sweet torture was getting too much for me.

  “Fuck!” Isaac almost shouted into the phone at almost the same moment Cody cried out in pleasure.