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Hooked Page 18

  When the ceremony was over, they went to the botanical gardens near the church for the pictures. She was still distracted, but she smiled and posed and did everything she could to make sure she didn’t screw up their photos because of her own issues. Right then it wasn’t about her. It was about the bride and groom, and she didn’t want anyone to know she was distracted.

  By the time the pictures were done, and they were heading back to the hall she was nervous. It was almost five-thirty. Everyone was talking about the cocktail hour and how happy they would be to get some food. It would seem everyone had skipped lunch, and they were all starving. She was hungry, but her mind wasn’t on her stomach.

  “You coming?” Dan asked as they piled out of the bus in front of the hall.

  “I’m just going to wait for my date to show up.”

  “Right, the one who used the suit voucher.”

  “Yeah, and thanks for that.”

  “No worries, it was paid for. I’m glad someone could use it. So, who is this guy?”

  “Someone from high school.”

  “Really? I don’t remember you dating anyone in high school.”

  “We never dated.” She shook her head. “We were friends, sort of.”

  “Why do I think there’s more to the story?” He grinned.

  “Don’t you have to go inside, for the big entrance?” she asked as she looked behind her. Everyone was already inside.

  “Not just yet. Ellie wants to change into her reception dress so I’ve got time.”

  “We had a thing, briefly,” she admitted.

  “How brief?”

  “Very brief. We kind of hooked up.”

  “Kind of?” He grinned. “How do you kind of hook up with someone?”

  “It was a one-night thing, the first time.” She had no idea why she was telling him all of this, but she had to talk to someone.

  She and Dan were very close now. She’d talked to him about relationship things in the past few years, but she always worried she was oversharing when she talked to him about her sex life.


  “Then we met up again a few years later and had another brief thing, then another a few years after that. After I moved to the city I didn’t talk to him again.”

  “And he called you out of the blue?”

  “I messaged him. When Mom was hounding me to get a date.”

  “Yeah, she wanted me to set you up with someone. I told her that probably wasn’t the best thing. Especially after last time.” He laughed.

  “Yeah, that wasn’t the best first date I’ve ever had.” She grinned at him.

  “So, what’s bothering you about this?”

  “I don’t know exactly.”

  “Do you like him?”

  “Yeah. We’ve always gotten along, when we were being friendly.”

  “You think he’s not into you?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know where his head is at.”

  “As a guy, let me tell you there’s no way I would go to a wedding with someone if I didn’t like them on some level.”


  “No.” He shook his head. “Weddings are the worst dates out there. You’re surrounded by love and celebration, and then there’s the dinner to sit through and the party. Unless his plan was to get drunk and leave, he wouldn’t subject himself to hours upon hours of wedding crap if it wasn’t you he wanted to see.”

  “I don’t think his plan is to get drunk.”

  “Then I think you’re overthinking things.”

  “Think so?” She glanced at him.

  “I do. You know how you can get. You’ve been like this since we were kids. You second-guess yourself and you try to read into things that aren’t there.”

  “I do, don’t I.”

  “Yeah, and it sounds to me like there might be something there with him.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You don’t talk to the guy for years, but you get in touch with him to come to the wedding with you. You’ve gone back to him more than once, and you’re nervous about seeing him now.”

  “All that is true.”

  “If you weren’t into him you wouldn’t be nervous. If he didn’t want to see you he wouldn’t be coming.”

  “If you were him, what would you be thinking?” she asked as she looked at him.

  “If someone from my past messaged me out of the blue, after years of not talking?”


  “I would think she’s either looking for another hookup, or she’s looking to see what’s there.”

  “What if it’s both?” she asked, her face flushing.

  “Did you talk to him about that? You have to be honest with him. If he’s coming here expecting one thing and you’re looking for another, that’s not fair to either of you.”

  “I was honest. I told him I wanted to reconnect as friends, and see what happens.”

  “You know to a guy that means hang out and then hook up, right?”

  “That’s what it means to a girl too.” She blushed even brighter.

  “Then I think you’re twenty-six, and you’re old enough to make your own choice. If that’s sex or maybe more, then that’s what it is. As long as you’re honest with him, then that’s all you need to worry about.”

  “Thanks, Dan. I’m sorry to dump all of this on you.”


  “This is your day, yours and Ellie’s and here I am making a scene—”

  “I don’t see anyone else around, Jenna.” He grinned. “This may be my wedding, but you’re my sister. If you’re struggling, then I want you to be able to talk to me. Now, if you start having a temper tantrum or throw some of the cake on him, that would be a scene.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “I think your cake is safe.”

  “Try not to overthink things. Just focus on the now. Enjoy the ridiculously expensive food and the party. Whatever happens is what happens, as long as it’s your choice.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled as he patted her on the shoulder.

  “I should get inside. We’re doing the entrance at six. Do you think you’ll be in by then?”

  “He should be here any minute.”

  “Good. Ellie’s planned some sort of surprise. Apparently we don’t want to miss it.” He grinned.

  “We’ll be in by then.”

  He gave her another smile and went into the hall. She let out a breath and was just turning around when she saw the car pull up in front of the hall.

  She bit her lip, forcing herself to breathe normally, as she watched the car stop and Clay step out.

  He was gorgeous. When he’d been trying on the suits he’d looked incredible in all of them, but now that he was outside the store he looked even better. She watched as he came up the stairs toward her.

  “Wow, Jenna. You look amazing.” He looked her up and down.

  “Thanks. You look incredible.” She flushed slightly when she saw the look in his eyes.

  “Ready to go in?” he asked, extending his arm to her.

  “All set.” She took his arm, grinning as he started to lead her into the hall.

  They made their way up to the ballroom, and she was grateful things hadn’t started yet. As she was leading him up to the head table she could feel everyone’s eyes on them. As she glanced around she could see a lot of the women were giving Clay appreciative looks. That made her smile to herself. He was incredibly handsome. And he was there with her.

  They sat down at their places at the head table, and she introduced Clay to everyone there. She knew everyone, but she wasn’t really friends with any of them. After they’d all chorused their hellos, they went back to talking amongst themselves.

  “Wow, this is fancy,” Clay said as he looked around.

  “Yeah. I asked Dan how much it cost and even he didn’t know.”

  “I imagine a lot more than either one of us would think to spen
d on a wedding.”

  “A lot more.” She grinned.

  The hall was beautiful. Everything was done in ice-blue and white and looked expensive. The tablecloths were thick and embroidered; the centerpieces were monstrous and made with calla lilies and white roses. The walls were draped with swag, and even the lighting was in shades of blue and white. Just then she noticed waiters coming around the tables with bottles in their hands.

  “Champagne?” the waiter asked when he came up to their table.

  “Please,” she and Clay said at the same time.

  She watched as he poured them each a glass of champagne, and they looked around.

  “I feel like something is about to happen,” Clay said.

  “I think it’s time for the grand entrance.”

  “Grand entrance?”

  “It’s a thing, apparently.”

  He opened his mouth to say something, but just then the lights dimmed and a voice came over the speaker system.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, please turn your attention to the door as we welcome, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Scott!”

  The entire hall burst into applause as the doors were thrown open and Dan and Ellie walked through the doorway, their entwined hands raised triumphantly.

  She just grinned and clapped as hard as she could. She’d never seen her brother look so happy before. They walked into the center of the dance floor and turned to look out at their audience.

  “As a special surprise, the bride has arranged a little something for her groom. Mrs. Scott?” the announcer said.

  Everyone watched as Dan turned to Ellie. She gave him a radiant smile and took his hand in hers. They all watched as she put his hand on her stomach and nodded.

  Ellie was pregnant.

  As she watched her brother’s reaction, she felt a tightness in her chest. The look of pure joy on Dan’s face, the tears shining in his eyes, and the love radiating between them was beautiful, but it brought back the memories of that morning eight years ago when she’d seen her own test go positive and had felt nothing but fear and loneliness.

  Everyone around them started clapping as Dan swept Ellie up in his arms, hugging her as he spun her around. She saw their and Ellie’s parents rush over to congratulate them as Ellie’s sister jumped up and ran over.

  She was happy for them, she truly was, and as she stood and hurried over to the giant group hug she pushed her own emotions aside. Again, this day wasn’t about her.

  “Congratulations,” she said as she gave her brother a big hug. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “You’re going to be an auntie,” he said joyfully in her ear as he squeezed her tight. “I’m going to be a father!”

  “You’re going to be an amazing dad.” She let go of him and gave him a big smile. She turned to Ellie and waited until Ellie’s sister had let her go to give her a big hug and congratulate her as well.

  She stepped back as more and more friends came up to congratulate them and made her way back to the table. When she sat down she saw Clay looking at her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked quietly, reaching out to take her hand in his.

  “I’m fine.” She nodded, but squeezed his hand a little tighter. “Every time someone tells me they’re pregnant I react.” She shook her head as she looked at him. “It’s been eight years. I need to get over it.”

  “It was a traumatic experience for you. Don’t beat yourself up for reacting.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled and noticed how he didn’t drop her hand right away.

  When everyone was done congratulating the happy couple, they settled in to watch their first dance. Clay held her hand the entire time, and she was grateful for the support. He was still the only person outside of her doctors who knew about that day eight years ago. It was nice to be able to lean on him.

  After the dance the waiters brought out their first course, and everyone started eating. The ballroom dancers came out and did a very impressive routine for the first half of the meal, and as the courses kept coming the aerial dancers came in.

  They were incredible, she could barely focus on her food as she watched them swing and twirl above the room.

  When the dancers were finished and the meal was over the DJ started playing music for people to dance to.

  “Want to dance?” Clay asked as the dance floor started to fill up.

  “You a good dancer?” she asked playfully.

  “Never had any complaints.” He grinned. “You good?”

  “Not at all.” She laughed. “In heels I might just impale your foot.”

  “I’ll risk it.” He grinned and reached out for her hand. “I’m pretty tough.”

  She laughed as she took his hand and allowed him to lead her out to the dance floor. They found a place between couples and he pulled her close, his hands resting comfortably on the small of her back as she draped her arms over his shoulders.

  “You really do look beautiful, Jenna, and it’s not just the dress.”

  “Thank you.” She blushed as she smiled up at him. “You look incredible.”

  “Who knew a mechanic could clean up so good, huh?” He grinned teasingly. “Put some fancy clothes on me, and I can almost pass for sophisticated.”

  “The suit helps, but it’s not what makes you handsome,” she said honestly as she looked up at him.

  He smiled down at her, and the look in his eyes was tender. Wordlessly he pulled her closer so she could rest her head on his shoulder as they swayed to the music.

  He felt wonderful against her. He was so strong and warm, and she felt protected and safe in his arms. He was also familiar, and not just physically. There was an energy around him that was familiar, and it put her at ease.

  She didn’t know how long they danced, but as the songs blended into each other she just let herself get lost in him and in their movements.

  His arms suddenly tightened around her, and she felt him growing hard against her abdomen. She moved against him, testing what he would do. He groaned and pulled her a little closer as he tilted his head so he could press his lips against her hair.

  She wanted him. At that moment she wanted him so badly she was aching, and she made a snap decision.

  “I want you,” she whispered in his ear as she moved her hand so she could thread her fingers through the hair at the base of his neck.

  “Jenna.” He groaned as he pulled away and looked down at her.

  “Right now.” She looked up at him imploringly, and she imagined that the desire and lust she saw in his eyes was mirrored in hers.

  He looked at her for a moment and nodded slightly, pulling back and taking her hand in his.

  Not caring who saw them or what they might be thinking, she followed him as he led her out of the hall, pausing as he looked around the lobby. She knew a place they could go. As long as they were quick no one would notice they were gone.

  “This way.” She started down the hallway, and he fell into step beside her. She led him to the suite of rooms that was open to the bridal party and punched in the code they’d given her for the door. As she opened it she looked inside. The suite was empty.

  She pulled him into the bathroom and closed the door behind him, locking it as soon as it latched. She didn’t even have a chance to turn around before he swept her up in his arms, his lips on hers as he kissed her deeply.

  She moaned against his kiss as one hand pulled her up against his body and the other reached down and started to gather the skirt of her dress so he could pull it up. She wanted him so badly she just went with it, kissing him back with as much passion as she could. Telling him with her body that she wanted him and she wanted him now.

  He bunched her skirt up around her waist and dipped his hand between her legs, running his fingers over her panties as he teased her.

  “Yes!” she gasped as he slipped his fingers down the front of her underwear and slid them over her. “Yes…oh yes,” she cried out softly as he
started to tease her.

  His mouth was open and wet against her neck, and she started shaking as she was brought higher and higher, closer to her orgasm. Her body tightened, and pleasure began to swirl around inside her.

  “Oh God…oh fuck.” She desperately tried to keep her voice down as she felt herself start to crest. She bit down on her lip to try and distract herself from the torturous pleasure she was feeling.

  A moment before she hit her orgasm he sealed his lips over hers in a deep kiss, swallowing her cries as he held her shaking and writhing body against his.

  Her legs went weak as the pleasure washed over her. She was grateful when he picked her up and walked her over to the counter. He set her down and held her tight against his body as he let her enjoy the orgasm.

  “Oh Clay.” She looked up at him, her breath coming out in short pants.

  “Fuck, I want you so bad,” he groaned as he looked down at her.

  “I want you, now,” she begged as she reached between them, cupping her hand over him.

  He groaned as she started stroking him, but quickly reached down and pulled her hand away. “I don’t need anything. Watching you got me hot enough,” he said as he reached into his pocket for a condom.

  As he pulled it out, she undid the buttons on his jacket so he would have more mobility and be able to pull himself free. When the jacket was open she leaned back, watching him as he undid his pants and pulled out his rock-hard erection.

  Her entire body tightened in anticipation as he ripped the condom package open and rolled it on. When he was ready he looked down at her, pausing.

  She just leaned back slightly and lifted her hips, encouraging him to take off her panties so he could enter her. He took the hint and stripped them off, tossing them aside as she spread her legs and looked up at him hungrily.

  He reached down and placed himself at her opening, locking his eyes on hers as he started to push in. She was so wet and ready for him that he slid inside her with almost no resistance. When he was fully sheathed in her she gasped.

  She expected him to start pounding into her, but he didn’t. He kept himself as deep inside her as he could and started to rub against her as he ground his pelvis against her.