Hooked Read online

Page 17

  She knew she was overthinking things and she should just call him, and after taking a deep breath she pulled up his contact info and pressed call.


  “Hi, Clay?”




  “Hi.” She cringed when she realized she’d just greeted him twice. She’d been nervous when the phone had started ringing, but she was almost scared now. “How have you been?”

  “Okay. Working, living. The usual. You?”

  “The same, working and living.”

  “So your brother is getting married?” he asked after a long pause.

  “Yeah, tomorrow actually.”

  “On a long weekend? Isn’t that bad etiquette?”

  “I’ve been told it is, but they met at a barbeque three years ago on the long weekend and wanted to get married on the same day.”

  “That’s kind of cool.”

  “So, are you around tomorrow?” she asked nervously.

  “I’m around, but I need more details before I can say yes or no.”

  “The wedding is at four, then there’s the usual thing like pictures and some sort of cocktail-hour thing. The dinner is at six-thirty, and then they have the hall until three.”

  “Where is it?”

  “At the Heritage Hotel.”

  “Wow, I didn’t know your brother made that kind of money.”

  “He doesn’t, but his fiancée’s father makes that kind of money.”

  “So it’s going to be a fancy thing?”

  “Very. Seven-course meal, top-shelf open bar. There’s even going to be entertainment and a midnight buffet.”

  “What kind of entertainment?”

  “Aerial dancers.”

  “And those are…”

  “You know those dancers who swing around and hang off silk ropes?”

  “They’re going to have those at a wedding?”

  “For some sort of entertainment-hour thing. They also have ballroom dancers coming in to do a performance.”

  “Wow. The last wedding I went to was in the middle of the afternoon, and they served burgers.” He laughed.

  “The last one I went to was pretty insane, but not to this level.” She laughed with him.

  “So I’m guaranteed gourmet food, a top-shelf bar, and I get to watch beautiful women dancing on silk ropes?” he asked teasingly.

  “You are.” She grinned.

  “What’s the dress? I don’t have anything all that fancy.”

  “Do you have a suit? I’m in the bridal party so you’d have to sit up at the head table with me.”

  “I have pants and shirt. I’m guessing that’s not good enough, right?”

  “Yeah, it’s a little casual for this wedding.” She paused as an idea came to her. “My brother has a rental voucher leftover. I can get it from him and you can just rent something.”

  “Rent a suit?”

  She heard the tone of his voice and hurried on. She hadn’t meant to insult him.

  “They were for the groomsmen. One of the bridesmaids had to drop out because of pregnancy complications, and one of the groomsmen also stepped down, some family thing. He still has a suit rental voucher, and he can’t return it. Why buy something when you can get what you want, and he can actually use the voucher they paid for?”

  “Sure, I guess that makes sense,” he said slowly. “Is the place open today? I’m assuming they’re closed tomorrow.”

  “They are. I’m picking up my dress there today. I can pick you up if you’d like, bring the voucher, and take you to the store.”

  “Will you be my fashion consultant?” he asked in a light voice.

  “You might look better if you let the guys at the store dress you. My brother has informed me that I have terrible taste in men’s fashion.”

  He laughed and she smiled. It seemed whatever tension had been between them was gone.

  “I’m leaving here in about an hour, is that enough time for you?”

  “Yeah, I just need to jump in the shower. I’ll be done by then.”

  “Where do you live?”

  “Over on Jarvis.”

  “What’s the major intersection? I can look it up on my phone, I just want to make sure I’m in the right area.”

  “Lincoln and Bronson.”


  “7413. Just text me and I’ll come out and meet you.”

  “Great, so I’ll see you in about an hour?”

  “See you then.”


  “Bye.” She watched as her phone went dark in her hand and shook her head. That had gone a lot better than she’d thought. After a pause she pulled up her brother’s contact info, she had to find out where the voucher was.

  Dan wasn’t home, but he told her Ellie knew where it was. It had taken her almost the whole hour to get to Dan’s, then to Clay’s, but when she was outside his building she sent him a text letting him know she was there.

  When she put her phone back in her purse, she took a moment to check out the outside of the building. It looked a lot nicer than the one he’d lived in before, and it was in a pretty good neighborhood. It looked as though he was doing well for himself.

  When she saw the door open and he came out she almost gasped.

  He looked amazing. He’d always been handsome and fit, but he looked even better now. His hair was shorter but still long enough it almost fell in his eyes. The tight shirt and jeans he was wearing showed off every muscle in his body, and his skin was darker now. He walked with confidence and had a presence about him that hadn’t been there before.

  She tore her eyes away from him and hit the button to unlock the door for him. Then she tried to keep her face casual as he climbed into the car.

  “Hi.” He looked her up and down as he closed the door, and she couldn’t help but notice the appreciation in his eyes.

  “Hi.” She smiled and was a little surprised when he leaned toward her with one arm out.

  It was a little awkward hugging in the car, but as soon as she pressed up against his warm and solid body, she almost sighed. Whatever soap he used smelled a little spicy, and it really suited him. As his strong arm wrapped around her body, her face flushed. She felt a tingle move through her.

  “So, all ready to find a suit?” she asked as they pulled apart.

  “All ready.” He nodded and did up his seatbelt as she started the car.

  “So, how have you been? Still working at the garage?”

  “Good, and yeah. I’m still there.”

  “I always thought that was kind of funny, a garage named Carmichael.” She grinned as she pulled back onto the main street and headed toward the store.

  “You’re not the first to point that out.” He grinned and glanced at her. “I like it there. The owners have been really good to me.”

  “I’m glad. It’s hard to find good companies to work for sometimes.”

  “What about you? You find better work?”

  “Yeah, about a year after I moved, the company where I did my internship called me. They had a position open up, and they offered it to me.”

  “So, what are you doing there?”

  “I’m in the HR department. I liaise between the company and the contractors they use.”

  “Sounds fancy.”

  “It’s really not.” She laughed. “It’s a good place to work, though. I enjoy it.”

  “That’s good. How are your parents?”

  “Good. They’re talking about retiring in the next few years. Dan’s going to take over the business for them.”

  “Is that what he wants?”

  “It is. Just before he met Ellie he came to work for Mom and Dad. He finished up his business degree, and they started training him to run it when they retired.”

  “You didn’t want a piece of the pie?”

  She laughed. “No. I’m not bi
g on sales. I prefer to coordinate things. I’m happy with my professional life right now. I might work there later on, but for now I’m good where I’m at.”

  “It’s nice everything worked out.”

  “How’s your family?”

  “Mom’s still in Texas. She’s happy, and she’s got her step-kids to raise. She’s loving being a mom again.”

  She glanced at him. The last time they’d talked his grandmother hadn’t been doing well so she didn’t want to ask how she was, just in case.

  “My grandma’s here. She had to move into a care home, but she’s enjoying it now that she’s given it a chance.”

  “I’m glad she’s in a good place.”

  “I visit her as often as I can. I think she has a boyfriend.”

  “Really?” she glanced at him.

  “Every time I go I see the same man leaving her room. She said he’s just a friend, but the nurses tell me they’re courting.”

  “Courting? People still do that?” She laughed.

  “Apparently they do.” He grinned. “I’m happy for her. I think it’s one of the reasons she’s still around. She has someone to care about.”

  “That’s really good for her.”

  “So, you seeing anyone?” he asked casually as he looked out the window.

  “I was, but I’ve been single for about a month now.”


  “He went back to his ex. They’ve been on and off for a long time. Everyone warned me he’d end up back with her, but I ignored it.”

  “Did he cheat on you?”

  “A lot.” She nodded. “Not just at the end.”

  “How long were you with him?”

  “Over a year.” She sighed. “About fifteen months.”


  “Yeah, that one hurt. What about you? Seeing anyone?”

  “Not in a while.”


  “There’s no sob story in it. We just weren’t compatible.” He shrugged. “Haven’t found anyone else since.”

  “Oh, well I guess it’s good you figured it out sooner rather than later.”

  “Jenna, why did you invite me tomorrow? Where’s your head on this?” he asked as he looked at her.

  “Honestly? I have no idea why. My mom was hounding me to get a date and there was no one I wanted to ask. Then I saw something you posted yesterday, and I messaged you.”

  “So I was your backup?”

  “Not at all.” She shook her head. “Until I saw your name I never even thought about contacting you. I didn’t know how you were feeling about me, if you were with someone. When I saw your name everything just rushed back to me, and I wanted to see you again.” She looked at him. “What did you think, when I sent you that message?”

  “Well, when I read it I was half drunk so I didn’t think too clearly.” He grinned. “But then this morning I wondered what you were looking for. Are we catching up as friends? Is this a really fancy booty call? Was I literally your last resort?”

  “You’re not a last resort. Not at all.” She shook her head. “I was hoping to catch up as friends, maybe see what happens.”

  “And if something did happen?”

  “Then I wanted to make sure you knew exactly where I stood. Unlike last time.”

  “I’m guessing that’s in the city after the wedding.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “So what then? If we do hook up, it would be a one-night thing?”

  “I was thinking more a no strings attached kind of thing.” She glanced at him.

  “So you contacted me to fuck again?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “That wasn’t the reason. Was I thinking it could happen? Yes, but that wasn’t the reason at all. If it doesn’t, then it doesn’t. It was you I wanted to see again.”

  “Not my dick?”

  She glanced at him and saw he was grinning at her.

  “No.” She laughed. “Not your dick.”

  She knew she was basically telling him she was open to having sex if he wanted it, but she didn’t feel bad about that at all. She was telling him exactly where she stood and what she wanted. It was up to him to decide if he wanted the same thing or not.

  “Okay, it looks like we’re on the same page.” He grinned as he looked her up and down. “So, this bridesmaid dress. How terrible is it?”

  “Not terrible at all.” She laughed as she pulled into the parking lot of the store. “Ellie took pity on us, and the dresses are actually really nice.”

  “So you’re not going to look like you stepped out of a prom picture from the nineties?”

  “No, thankfully not.” She laughed and turned off the car.

  “I’m almost disappointed.”

  “And why is that?”

  “Half the fun of weddings is the terrible dress. It would have been really funny to watch you suffer all night.”

  “I don’t recall you being such a sadist.” She laughed.

  “Not a sadist, more a jackass.” He laughed with her.

  “Well, sorry to disappoint, Mr. Jackass. But remember—you’re the one who has to sit with me all night.”

  “True, I can’t look good if I have a clown on my arm.” He grinned and started to get out of the car.

  “Trust me when I say you’d look good no matter what was on your arm.” She climbed out of the car and locked the doors with her remote.

  “You think so?”

  “Oh yeah.” She grinned as she looked him up and down.

  “Hmmm, good to know you still like what you see.” He grinned as he very obviously checked her out.

  “And do you still like what you see?” she asked coyly as they started to walk up to the store.

  “Definitely.” He grinned.

  “Good to know.”

  * * * *

  It didn’t take long for Clay to find a suit. As soon as he’d walked in two consultants had swooped in on him, and after they’d explained why he was there they’d whisked him off to a dressing room to measure him. After confirming his size they’d handed him three suits to try on, and after trying on all three they’d pretty much chosen for him.

  Jenna had picked up her dress and come to sit by the change room as he’d been trying on the suits, and he’d noticed the look in her eye every time he’d come out.

  She’d looked appreciative and a little hungry as she’d looked him up and down. She’d tried to keep her voice light as she’d told him what she thought of the clothes, but her eyes had told him everything.

  She was different now. She was a lot more confident, and she seemed more settled with herself. She was also a really good flirt, and she was still gorgeous.

  Her hair was long again, the same as it had been in high school. Her eyes sparkled when she laughed and her skin was creamy and smooth. It was true she was a bit bigger than the last time he’d seen her, but if anything she had just filled out in all the right places and had a very distinct hourglass figure.

  She was basically offering him a night of sex with no commitment and no emotions. At first he’d been a little confused and even a little hesitant, wondering if she’d only reached out to him because she figured he’d jump into bed with her. But she genuinely seemed to want to reconnect with him and the offer of sex almost seemed to be an afterthought.

  After he’d let the consultants and Jenna decide which suit he should wear they’d taken everything up to the cash register. Jenna had handed over the voucher, and they’d gone back to her car.

  “I’m guessing you have stuff you have to do if the wedding is tomorrow?” he asked as she started to drive back to his building.

  “Unfortunately. I’ve been tagged with helping Ellie and her sister tonight.”

  “So, you want me to meet you there or something?”

  “No, I’ll send one of the cars for you.”


  “They got drivers for us to use. We’re all
meeting at the hall for three, but I’ll send a car here whenever you want. Once the ceremony is over I just have to do some pictures, and then I’m free.”

  “When should I be there?”

  “You can skip the actual wedding if you want. I’ll be busy, and I don’t think you’ll know anyone. The dinner is at six-thirty. It’s your call.”

  “Maybe I’ll just come for the dinner,” he said after a pause. “If you’ll be busy, then there’s no point in sitting around by myself. They won’t be insulted, will they?”

  “Not at all.” She shook her head. “If you were a friend of the family it would be different. They wouldn’t want you to feel out of place.”

  “So when should I be ready for?”

  “Five-thirty work?”

  “That’s good.” He nodded.

  “Great.” She grinned. “Get ready for a night to remember.”

  He didn’t know if she was talking about the fancy and expensive wedding or if she was talking about after. Either way, it would be a hell of a night.

  Chapter 14

  One More Night

  THE wedding was beautiful. Everything had come together perfectly. Ellie looked gorgeous, and Dan had cried as he’d watched her walking down the aisle toward him. It was the first time Jenna had seen her brother cry since they were kids, and everyone could see how much they loved each other.

  Even as she was standing at the front of the church, watching the ceremony, she could only keep half of her mind on the wedding. She was happy for her brother and she was really happy Ellie was going to be a permanent member of their family, but it was Clay she was thinking about.

  Seeing him yesterday had brought back all of the feelings she’d had for him that weekend four years ago. She’d told herself they were just going to catch up as friends, enjoy the reception and maybe have one more night together, but her heart was telling her there was maybe more going on.

  She had no idea what he was thinking. She’d pretty much guaranteed him a night of sex if he came with her. She didn’t know if that was what had prompted him to agree, or if maybe he wanted to spend time with her as well.

  The entire situation was confusing, and she didn’t really know what to think. She really should just stop thinking about it and focus on the wedding, but her mind was caught in a loop, and she couldn’t seem to break it.